ATH! RÝMINGARSALAN GILDIR EKKI Á ÞESSA VÖRU! Ekki nota afsláttarkóðann á þessa vöru. SKOÐAÐU NÆR ALLAR AÐRAR VÖRUR MEÐ 50% AFSLÆTTI MEÐ KÓÐANUM 50AF (Versla þarf fyrir lágmark 15.000 kr.)
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P2 CORE Aware púttgrip
The Aware is a hybrid paddle pistol grip. Both sides of the Aware are flat just like the Classic, but is smaller in size and takes up less of the palms. The grip, although smaller, still ensures the palms remain square to the putter face and severely increases club face awareness. The Aware is for golfers who want the benefits of the P2, but don’t like the feel of an oversized grip. Like all of our P2 models, the design where the shaft is housed through the bottom of the grip is consistent.
WEIGHT 95 Grams
LENGTH 10.25″ (26.04 cm)
WIDTH 0.92 ” (2.33 cm)
DEPTH 1.41″ (3.57 cm)
The Aware is a hybrid paddle pistol grip. Both sides of the Aware are flat just like the Classic, but is smaller in size and takes up less of the palms. The grip, although smaller, still ensures the palms remain square to the putter face and severely increases club face awareness. The Aware is for golfers who want the benefits of the P2, but don’t like the feel of an oversized grip. Like all of our P2 models, the design where the shaft is housed through the bottom of the grip is consistent.
WEIGHT 95 Grams
LENGTH 10.25″ (26.04 cm)
WIDTH 0.92 ” (2.33 cm)
DEPTH 1.41″ (3.57 cm)
Product Description
The soft textured wrap features a distinctive line on the front section of the grip to help the golfer get square to their target line and to help the club fitter ensure the grip is installed in a perfectly square position.