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Karfan þín

Karfan þín er tóm

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Garsen Pro MAX púttgrip

Eitt sinnar tegundar, verndað með einkaleyfi, tígullaga að framan ekki flatt eins og önnur púttgrip.
Setur hendur í hlutlausa/eðlilega stöðu. Setur olnboga að líkama.
Losar um spennu og heldur úlnliðum stöðugum. Gefur stöðuga púttstroku.
Atvinnukylfingarnir Henrik Stenson, Tony Finau og Colin Montgomerie hafa náð frábærum árangri með G-Pro Max.
Verð 5900 kr.
Litur Tooltip



The Garsen Golf “G-Pro Max” Putter Grip is the first putter grip with a revolutionary, patented, two-sided design.

Unlike a traditional putter grip, the G-Pro Max places your hands in a position so the palms face each other and the wrists are in a neutral position. It turns your elbows into your body and sets your shoulders back. This relieves arm and shoulder tension, inhibits wrist action, which takes “the hands out of the putting” and promotes shoulder rotation, creating a solid putting stroke, which will give you a one-piece feel, leading to a more consistent stroke.



  • Grip diameter: 1.5 Inches
  • Weight: 55 Grams
  • Core Size: .600
  • Firmness: Medium
  • Shock Absorption: High
  • Material: High-Tech PU Material
  • Feel: Semi-tacky
  • Profile: Semi-Tapered Paddle