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TecTecTec! VPRO 500


Einn besti mælirinn á markaðnum í þessum verðflokki.

Lítill, nettur og meðfærilegur
Léttur, vegur aðeins 186 grömm
Með öllum helstu eiginleikum sem þarf í góðum fjarlægðarmæli
Mælir hratt og örugglega
Fjarlægðir í metrum eða jördum
Mælir allt að 494 metra eða 540 jarda
+/- 1 jarda nákvæmni
Marglaga linsa fyrir skýra sýn
Stækkar 6 falt
Aðgerðir með einum takka fyrir snögga niðurstöðu
Þrír skannamöguleikar:
1. Pin skynjaratækni beint á flagg
2. Skannastilling á stöðugri hreyfingu
3. Skönnun beint á fyrsta skotmark
CR2 rafhlaða fylgir
Höggþolin taska, ól, örtrefjaklútur og leiðarvísir fylgir
Löglegur í keppnum þar sem fjarlægðarmælar eru leyfðir.

Verð 31600 kr.
Afsláttur:-7900 kr.
Veldu lit Tooltip

 Improve your game and help make long drives more accurate with the TecTecTec VPRO500 Golf Rangefinder. It shows a clear view through a multi-layered lens and uses laser technology to focus on targets like flags. Measuring distances up to 540 yds away, this VPRO500 rangefinder lets you know how far the ball needs to go to reach its destination. A scan mode delivers multiple readings rapidly so you can keep moving on the links. Its compact design is conveniently portable and features a rainproof housing. This device is also tournament legal.


TecTecTec VPRO500 Golf Rangefinder:


Compact, lightweight and rainproof

Measures distances up to 540 yds

Multi-layered lens delivers a clear view

Target seeker zeros in on flag

Scan mode delivers quick multiple readings

1-button operation for fast results

Tiny, light-weight, and sleek design


Accuracy +/- 1 yard

Pro Scan Mode for separating different targets

6x magnification

It has a very clear lenses display with multilayered optics

The data on display is very easy to read

30-day money back guaranty and a 2-year guarantee

Comes with a free CR2 battery

It is legal in the tournaments which local hosts allow distance measuring devices

Finding the perfect distance when playing golf is one of the most interes


+/- 1 Yard Accuracy, Up to 540 Yard Measurement, Rainproof Body

No need to second guess the distance with VPRO500.  Our rainproof laser golf rangefinder measures up to 540 yards within +/- 1 yard, helping you find the right distance to golf flags, trees, or hazards.  After one look through our premium, ultra-clear, multilayered optical lens, you’ll have a complete picture so you can take your golf game to the next level.

Fast-Measuring Rangefinder Technology, 6x Magnification, Diopter Adjustment

The VPRO500 uses the latest in rangefinder technology making it more accurate and flexible than any other golf rangefinder on the market.  It measures distances perfectly thanks to its clear 6x magnification and multilayer coating.  Our diopter adjustment functionality will always guarantee you a clear view whether you’re nearsighted or farsighted!  Being able to see the object you’re measuring with clarity and pin point distance accuracy will only help improve your golf game.

Pin Sensor Technology, Continuous Scan Mode, First Target Priority

With three different scanning modes, the VPRO500, will give you confidence for every situation.  Pinseeker mode lets you accurately measure overlapping targets, perfect for measuring the distance to the pin and wooded areas giving you confidence in your distance! First Target Priority mode displays the distance of the closest subject, helpful when measuring the distance to the golf flag on a green with woods in the background.  And Scan mode, useful when checking the distance of hazards, which hopefully you’ll stay out of!

Lightweight, Portable, Rainproof and Fully Equipped Rangefinder

The VPRO500 is extremely lightweight weighing at 0.41 lbs and measures 4.1 x 2.8 x 1.6 inch making it very portable.  With a rainproof body, there is no reason not to use it for every single golf swing, except maybe your putting!  The golf rangefinder comes fully equipped with a premium case, free CR2 battery, wrist strap, microfiber cleaning cloth and a quick start guide for easy setup.  The shock-resistant case safe guards your rangefinder against impact and poor weather.  A flashy, high visibility, yellow design lets you easily spot your rangefinder when you need it.