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Karfan þín

Karfan þín er tóm

Á tilboði

RÝMINGARÚTSALA - 50% AFSLÁTTUR AF NÆR ÖLLUM VÖRUM (ATH! Nokkar vörur ekki á afslætti og er sérstaklega tekið fram. Nota þarf afsláttarkóðann 50AF fyrir 50% afslátt og kaupa fyrir lágmark kr. 15.000. hægt er að fá sent eða sækja í Reykjavík eða á Akranes.



Verslaðu í netverslun eða sendu pöntun í skilaboðum, tölvupósti eða hringdu.


GET SUM gulur - Snell Golf (3 stk)


Get Sum Optic Yellow is a high-performance 2-pc golf ball that offers excellent feel and control. This version offers high visibility with an optic yellow paint!

Verð á bolta 290 kr. Hver eining 3 boltar í pakka 870.- Dozen/kassi eru 12 boltar 3480.-

12 einingar gulur
Verð 870 kr.

Get Sum is a high performance 2-pc golf ball that offers excellent feel and control. 

The core is a large, soft low compression core that allows for the ball to have very low spin rates which increases distance and creates less hooks and slices.

The cover is a thin, soft Surlyn® that contributes to the soft feel of the ball. This core cover combination has been designed to help golfers get the ball in the air easier, and reduced spin rates for straighter shots from tee to green. All with fast ball speeds for any swing speed, and exceptional soft feel and control.

2018 Golf Digest Hot List GOLD MEDAL Award Winner!