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Karfan þín

Karfan þín er tóm

Á tilboði

RÝMINGARÚTSALA - 50% AFSLÁTTUR AF NÆR ÖLLUM VÖRUM (ATH! Nokkar vörur ekki á afslætti og er sérstaklega tekið fram. Nota þarf afsláttarkóðann 50AF fyrir 50% afslátt og kaupa fyrir lágmark kr. 15.000. hægt er að fá sent eða sækja í Reykjavík eða á Akranes.



Verslaðu í netverslun eða sendu pöntun í skilaboðum, tölvupósti eða hringdu.



Þægilegur – Andar – Teygjanlegur – Mjúkur – Flott hönnun – Frábær hanski. ATH. frekar stórar stærðir.

Medium/Large 1 stk
Verð 2900 kr.
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The Dough brings the same features you’ve come to love with mettle gloves. Made from the best cabretta leather we could find. The Cope features lycra on the top of the hand as well as between the fingers to provide better venting and flexibility. This Glove is extremely comfortable! Don’t forget when your done playing, it also provides a great grip on any beverage!!

Your glove should be a snug fit. When putting this glove on, first gently pull the glove over your fingers, carefully working the leather around the fingers. The extra Lycra on the glove will help make this easier. Once each finger is worked in, now you can work the thumb in. Push the leather down carefully until the finger tips and thumb are all the way in. Do not use the cuff of the glove to pull down, or work the glove on. Once the glove is on, it should feel like another layer of skin. Now it’s time to test your Mettle!